
If Not Now, WHEN?

All of us are here for such a time as this. Will you stand with me and others who are sacrificing their time with family & their free time to do what it takes to protect our state and our country from totalitarianism? I hope so.

I had a conversation the other day with a client staying at our RV park regarding the election in November.  They informed me they were conservative but were unsure who to vote for President because the choices weren’t “ideal”.  Are you kidding me?  President Trump is not perfect but he delivers on his promises and returns controls the government took from us back to the people. We have a candidate who has already proven what he will do as a president.  He was arguably the most productive President we have ever had besides George Washington.  Why would we not support him?  (If our current fake news media were present in his day, General George Washington would have been painted as anarchist, rebel, treasonous, and conspiracy theorist. Sound familiar?) What Pres. Trump was able to accomplish in four years would already be in the history books if our culture wasn’t so WOKE.